Attacking applications running under WINE (Part III)
VIRTUAL_SetForceExec - WINE’s magic gadget In the last part of the series I demonstated a way to make the stack executable by returning to VirtualProtect. This is a nice and easy way to achieve arbitrary code execution - as long as you target a 32 bit programm. When targeting 64 bit programs there is a nasty obstacle to this trick: The x64 calling convention ships the first 4 parameters in the registers RCX, RDX, R8, and R9.
Attacking applications running under WINE (Part II)
Simple exploits against targets under WINE In this part of the series, I will demonstrate some simple exploits against Windows executables running under WINE. I will assume basic knowledge on exploiting stack overflows on the x86 architecture. Additionally, some knowledge of return-oriented-programming (ROP) or return-to-libc exploitation techniques is beneficial. Out of convenience I’m using pwntools for the development of the exploits, but every other toolkit will work as well. Also, I’m showing some rather simple task in some detail to demonstrate the use of Linux tools against windows binaries.
Attacking applications running under WINE (Part I)
Examining the WINE environment Intro This text is the first of a series that details the exploitation of Windows software running under WINE. My focus is on CTF-like settings, but most information should apply in other situations as well.
In this text i concentrate on general properties of processes running in a WINE environment, especially on the aspects that are relevant for exploit development. I will take a deeper look into actual exploitation and some WINE specific tricks in the later parts.